3 min readAug 22, 2021

I’ve never been a cat person. But before you judge me let me explain myself. I’ve always kept pet birds and I could not betray them by joining hands with their predator. Because providing a safe environment for my pets was my responsibility.

I hope cat owners can now understand the intensity of the scenario.

Long story short, after my birds bid farewell and found peace in their graves, a stray cat started visiting us. I ignored her the first day but the next day, she came again. Gradually she became a regular visitor and started staying at our home more often. Now we call herOur Cat’.

Never in my life had I thought that I’d like a cat this much.

Let’s call her way of showing affection and getting treats, ‘The Cat Move’.

As I’m learning marketing these days, I analyzed that situation and came up with some marketing lessons that our cat taught me.

Let me share them with you.


That cat showed up every single day with the same energy until we accepted her as a regular visitor.

If you run a business then show up on social platforms consistently to get recognition from your target audience.

Be present where your target audience is present. It will increase your familiarity with them. According to a study, 82% of people buy from familiar brands. No wonder why do brands spend stout checks on hiring the most famous celebrities to advertise their product.

One of the best ways to dominate your niche is to start a blog around it. This is what we call educational marketing.


Our cat kept showing up until we got used to her. Consistency is the key. Keep putting in the effort to stand out among the crowd.

Do market your brand every single day to make it distinct. If you want to become a big name then show up because everyone is hesitant around strangers.

Keep working to improve your business consistently even if it’s only 1% a day.

Being consistent also helps in building long-term work relations with your customers.


Do you think that we would be discussing our cat if she had stopped appearing after the first day just because we didn’t notice her? Of course, not.

We need to learn from rejections instead of taking them personally. Keep doing you despite facing rejections because you might not realize it now but your business gets better with the constant efforts that you put into it.

A time will come when your product or services will be acknowledged.


We found out that our cat was friends with our neighbors as well. She receives love and treats from them as well and sleeps wherever she pleases. Isn’t it a win-win situation for her?

Businesses must expand their audience to grow. They should not rely on the audience from a specific area. These days every business is moving online so get the maximum out of the internet world.


People buy value.

Do you know what made me love a cat despite being a hardcore bird person? Her way of showing love. I liked her amiable nature and the way she always meows back when I meow at her. Yes, I’m talking about ‘The Cat Move’.

Robert B. Cialdini, in his famous book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, has talked about the principle of reciprocation. According to this principle, people are more likely to reciprocate a favor.

If you haven’t read this book then you’re missing out on a lot. Every marketer should read it.

You can do them a favor by adding value to their lives by giving them knowledge. They will return this favor by trusting you enough to buy from you.


Some of you might have come up with a genius idea of using The Cat Move to get into relationships. But if you approach someone for a relationship and their answer is ‘no’. Then my friend, it really means no. I didn’t have to drop a truth bomb in the end but don’t worry there are plenty of amazing people who’d love to be with you. Develop an abundance mindset and see opportunities coming your way.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.




A chemist who's good with words. Get in touch with me at, summiyyawork@gmail.com if you want me to write content for you.